3 Ways You Can Benefit From A Dehumidifier This Summer

Before we dive into the benefits, knowing the true differences between a humidifier and dehumidifier will help you in all seasons. A humidifier increases the amount of moisture in the air around you any time the humidity falls below roughly about 35%. On the other hand, a dehumidifier decreases the amount of moisture around you when the humidity goes beyond 50%. As we all know, too much humidity or dry air can make you feel uncomfortable and potentially exacerbate health problems such as allergies or migraines. Generally, humidifiers are used in the winter months while dehumidifiers are used during the summer months.
Protecting Your Assets
During the summer months, the potential for bacteria, mold, and mildew to accumulate around and within your home drastically increases. It is important to maintain an average humidity level between about 35-45% in order to protect your home and personal belongings. Prevention is always the best approach when it comes to your home. Taking steps to ensure your home is maintaining a healthy environment can prevent potential money pits caused by damage from things like mold. Our trusted professionals can assist in testing the humidity level in your home to determine your needs.
Protecting Your Loved Ones
Maintaining a healthy humidity level in your home can also positively affect your family as well. When the humidity level gets too high, the bacteria, mold, and mildew that begins to build up can be harmful to your health. You can prevent this build up by maintaining a healthy level of humidity in your home. You may also be able to prevent some of those summer headaches by keeping your home at a safe level when it comes to humidity. A dehumidifier can also help people who suffer from allergies, which are generally worse in the spring and summer months when mildew and mold thrive the most.
The summer months often bring heat waves or warm fronts that will increase the humidity outside and inevitably inside your home as well. With the help of a dehumidifier, you can be prepared for any potential heat waves the summer months bring. Air conditioning is vital during the summer months, but humidity also plays a huge role in comfort. Even if the humidity is 10% higher than the recommended level inside your home, you will be able to feel a difference. The odor in your home can also play a role in your comfort level during the summer. Maintaining a humidity level between 35-45% can help keep odors from mildew and mold at bay by preventing the mold and mildew altogether.